Interested in a one-time gift of setting up scheduled giving?
Interested in helping us win a share of designated grant money?
Donations can also be made via e-transfer through your bank using the address give@aboriginalbibleacademy.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to pay for purchases, resources, or enrolment fees, please go to our Paypal page HERE
Would you consider being a monthly partner?
We have met our needs annually by consistently adhering to strong stewardship principles. However, we cannot actively pursue all of our ministry aspirations and strategies. Therefore, we need predictable investment to remain innovative, progressive and effective in serving all Indigenous people, preparing them for effective Christian ministry.
If you would prefer to give by cheque, please make cheques payable to Aboriginal Bible Academy and mail them to Aboriginal Bible Academy, Box 12, Napanee, ON, K7R 3L4
If you have any questions, call (613-344-1703) or email using the form below.